A majority of the people in the Diocese earn their  living through small scale crop production and livestock rearing as their traditional livelihoods.

The major crops grown include maize, soya-beans, cassava, groundnuts, millet, beans, sunflower and sweet potatoes while the livestock includes cattle, goats, sheep and poultry. Other economic activities include fishing and petty trade. Over the years, the economic base has continuously been distorted by cattle rustling by armed Karimojong warriors, which lasted for over a decade. This was punctuated by two bouts of rebel activities; first by Lakwena rebellion and, later, by the Lord’s Resistance Army (2003). These resulted into mass displacement of persons and loss of most productive assets and capital for communities throughout the region.

The Diocese of West Lango is located in the North-eastern part of Uganda  approximately between Longitudes 33°10’  E and 34°17’ E and Latitudes 1°10’ N and 2°27’ N.  The Diocese lies in altitude between 1036 m and  1127 m above sea level.

The Diocese covers the four (4) civil districts of  Kwania, Oyam, Kole and Apac.

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